January 2020 – CCLR Noteworthy News
There’s always a flurry of activity at CCLR and we want to make sure we’re keeping you current with CCLR’s activities. For years, CCLR has internally shared a list of five noteworthy bits of info or updates every Friday to help keep our bicoastal staff and Board current and informed. In 2020, we’ll be sharing the juiciest info bits with you! Check out our first CCLR Noteworthy News and stay tuned for more!
CCLR has finalized our 2020 programming calendar! 2020 highlights will include: the National Brownfields Leadership Summit in Washington D.C., April 1-2; the 2nd California Land Recycling Conference in Los Angeles, CA, September 22-24; and the 5th Annual NYS Redevelopment Summit in Albany, NY, June 9-10. Register now for D.C. and California and save the date for New York. More details to come! Please spread the word.
CCLR was in overdrive in 2019 with the delivery of in-person and on-line training to a record-breaking number of municipalities across the country, a visible leadership role on the national stage, and expanded partnerships and corporate support, showing that land reuse is a team effort! See and share our 2019 Impact Statement!
In case you missed them, CCLR released two educational videos in 2019, Brownfields to Healthfields and About Land Recycling. Watch for our newest video featuring West Sacramento coming soon.
CCLR hit the ground running in the first quarter of our fourth year as a Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Provider. In a single quarter, CCLR exceeded our yearly goals (goals outlined by the EPA TAB cooperative agreement) in both Technical Assistance and workshops/webinars. We also resurrected our Ask the Experts program as there’s been a surge in demand for brownfields wisdom. Staff are working with advisors and sponsors to write up the questions and outcomes from discussions with experts in CCLR’s network that could be relevant to other practitioners. We are gearing up our capacity and received 6 inquiries in January.
In 2019, CCLR played an instrumental role in securing the City of Troy, NY to participate in the Center for Development Finance Agencies’ (CDFA) Project Response Team site visit. During this site visit, CDFA and CCLR convened with Troy’s municipal leadership to discuss the redevelopment of a waterfront brownfield site and collect information needed to prepare a comprehensive “Roadmap to Redevelopment” report. CDFA’s recently released report outlines a number of informed, specific, and actionable financing recommendations and land reuse strategies for redeveloping Troy’s One Monument Square.Troy is the first city in NY to be selected for this CDFA technical assistance program and CCLR is proud to have played a pivotal part in their selection.