Successful EPA Brownfield Grant Examples

Successful EPA Brownfield Grant Examples

Each year, the EPA awards millions of dollars in the form of Brownfield Grants to help States, Tribal Nations, local governments and non-profit organizations assess and clean up contaminated (or potentially contaminated) sites for beneficial reuse. Due to the competitive nature of these grants, many applicants do not receive awards. When this happens, communities have to wait another year to try again or find other funding, potentially delaying projects and their benefits. Reviewing examples of successful EPA grant applications can help prepare you for success when applying.

The following example successful EPA brownfield grant applications are from communities that received assistance from the Center for Creative Land Recycling (CCLR). As the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) provider for EPA Regions 9 and 10, CCLR assists communities through every step of the brownfield reuse process, including helping you prepare for your EPA grant application, and providing review and feedback to ensure you submit the strongest application possible. On average, communities that utilize CCLR’s grant assistance services are 2x more likely to receive funding than those who don’t.

Schedule a Meeting to get started on your application now, it is never too early!

Multipurpose Grants

Assessment Grants



Cleanup Grants

Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grants

Tribal – Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup Grants

Revolving Loan Fund Grants

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